Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Critical Thinker: Ron Thompson is a 53 year old white male that resides in Placentia, Ca near Cal State Fullerton. Ron Thompson was my assistant football coach when I was 12 years old and have always kept family like relations. I've been in Ron's life for over 25 years now and consider him like a father and mentor. Ron is of mix race,  "White and Hispanic" but has no Hispanic features to notice. So he considers himself a Full white male. He is a father of 3 girls and 2 grand children. Ron recently lost his wife to a heart attack in 2009 and remained single. Ron works as an equipment manager at Esperanza High school in the city of Anaheim and is very much involved in the students scholastic high school careers. Ron watches a lot of CNN and enjoys Greg Becks debates.
Some people would think as Greg Beck as an overly right wing thinker, ( Right Wing- Political activist/In politics, the Right, right-wing and rightist generally refer to support for social order and social hierarchy, justified by an appeal to natural law or tradition. If it was up to Greg, be would keep schools, politics, and social classes separate and controlled by the upper rich white radials. I've listen to Beck several times while in the presence of Coach Ron, and let me tell you, we've had some deep debates on Beck's thinking. Even though I agree with some of Gregs views, I also disagree with MOST of his radical thinking. I consider Ron Thompson as a critical thinker for the reason that he overly analyzes individuals when they debate or spread their rhetoric. Example; In today's day and age with the internet being in most homes thru out the world, Ron states that the Internet should be censored and maintained by the government.  I disagree with his thinking, 80% of the time, but 20% of the time I agree with his thinking, whether pursed or not. Reason being, is that I cant say that the internet should be governed or not. He grew up in a different time and sees our country going to shambles because of it, so he says! I agree in a sense, because I didn't grow up in his time, so I would not know. I only know what I read and see on the History channel. He speaks of over populated neighborhoods, an over abundance of ethnic groups, crime, crime that has exploded nearly 1000%, according to Ron and he blames the internet for it in the last 15 years. The internet can be a gateway to evil, but it shouldn't be controlled or governed by an entity or individual, what so ever. Its free for all, and should always be kept that way regardless of what many may use the internet for whether for good or bad. I grew up 15 years ago and know that crime hasn't increased do to the net, if anything is has prevented curtain crimes. Ron to me is considered being a critical thinker and has in a way enhanced and transformed me to also be a critical thinker. To me, someone that is a critical thinker is always thinking of a way to not be harmed or taken advantage of by another, whether being something as simple as how one drives to something so drastic as to what will affect our nation next.

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